Make Way for the Cape Buffalo

Trip: Greece, Egypt and Africa
Entry: Overland Tour - Kenya
Date Taken: 03 Dec/03
Country: Kenya
Taken By: Travis
Viewed: 2733 times
Rated: 10.0/10 by 1 person
Vervet Monkeys

Trip: Greece, Egypt and Africa
Entry: Overland Tour - Kenya
Date Taken: 02 Dec/03
Country: Kenya
Taken By: Travis
Viewed: 2257 times
Rated: 10.0/10 by 1 person
Giraffe Feeding

Trip: Greece, Egypt and Africa
Entry: Overland Tour - Kenya
Date Taken: 30 Nov/03
Country: Kenya
Taken By: Travis
Viewed: 1903 times
Rated: 8.0/10 by 1 person
Colobus Monkeys

Trip: Greece, Egypt and Africa
Entry: Overland Tour - Kenya
Date Taken: 01 Dec/03
Country: Kenya
Taken By: Travis
Viewed: 1784 times
Black-Backed Jackals

Trip: Greece, Egypt and Africa
Entry: Overland Tour - Kenya
Date Taken: 03 Dec/03
Country: Kenya
Taken By: Travis
Viewed: 1742 times
Rhinos Watching a Baboon

Trip: Greece, Egypt and Africa
Entry: Overland Tour - Kenya
Date Taken: 02 Dec/03
Country: Kenya
Taken By: Travis
Viewed: 1698 times