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That Salon Look Everyday!
By Lifan Hung - Taiwan - 23 Dec/02 - Viewed 2242 times.

Okay, who has left a salon after a haircut and NOT wished that they could have someone shampoo and style their hair everyday? Certainly not me. I always leave wondering if I will be able to come close to the achieving the salon look. Sure it looks great the first day that someone does you hair, but what will it look like tomorrow?

Well, fortunately here in Taiwan, this isn't a concern. Luckily, just across our little alley, is a lady who has been doing hair for years and whenever you want, you can schedule time for a shampoo and style for a mere NT$130. And you're not just treated to a simple shampoo and dry either, you get a thorough scrub and scalp massage that will make you melt in your chair before she brings you over for the rinse. It's the definition of luxury and I will miss it when I leave. If I wanted, I could spend everyday (though I'd feel too guilty for that), or at least every other day with that perfect salon look. Ahhh, the simple pleasures in life!

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