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Become a Writer

What Sort of Journals Can I Write?

We would like to have only long-term travel journals (at least a month) on the site rather than short holidays. If you don't hear back from us then it is because you have submitted incomplete information (mentioning which countries you will be going to is essential!) or requested a short trip.

What Do I Have To Do?

As you travel, or when you get back, upload your photos and write a travelog. You don't need experience or any qualifications.

Do I Need To Know HTML?

No, you can customise your trip and enter your entries easily through the website. You do not need to know anything other than how to use a web browser.

What About Copyright?

You retain the intellectual property rights for anything you put on the website. You agree to let us use your photos and text on the site, but nothing stops you publishing it or selling it elsewhere.

How Do I Apply?

Fill in the form below. It might take us a week or so to get back to you as we are probably travelling.

What Does It Cost?

Nothing, it is free. There are also no adverts on the site.

How Many Photos Can I Have?

There is a limit of 100 photos per trip as we don't make any money from the site and have a limited amount of space. If you want more than 100 photos we can sell you extra space at cost - ask for current prices but 5 USD a month would get you space for about 500 extra photos.

Your name
Your email address
Your nationality and the language you will write in?
When is your trip taking place?
Are you planning on taking photos? If so are you planning on uploading as you go or when you get back?
A title for your trip (you can always change it later)
Brief description of your trip:
Mirror Lakes

Trip: New Zealand
Entry: Queenstown & Fiordland
Date Taken: 15 Mar/03
Country: New Zealand
Viewed: 1698 times
Rated: 9.0/10 by 3 people
Milford Sound

Trip: New Zealand
Entry: Queenstown & Fiordland
Date Taken: 15 Mar/03
Country: New Zealand
Viewed: 1406 times
Perito Moreno Glacier

Trip: B.A. to L.A.
Entry: El Calafate
Date Taken: 22 Oct/02
Country: Argentina
Taken By: Mark
Viewed: 2158 times
Rated: 7.7/10 by 10 people
Firth of Thames

Trip: New Zealand
Entry: Hamilton and the Coromandel
Date Taken: 01 Mar/03
Country: New Zealand
Viewed: 1820 times
Rated: 9.5/10 by 8 people
Cat up a tree at Singapore Zoo

Trip: Brunei to Bangkok
Entry: Singapore
Date Taken: 01 Dec/03
Country: Singapore
Taken By: Mark
Viewed: 1928 times
Rated: 8.7/10 by 3 people
First view of Machu Picchu

Trip: B.A. to L.A.
Entry: The Inca Trail
Date Taken: 19 Dec/02
Country: Peru
Taken By: Mark
Viewed: 1945 times
Rated: 8.5/10 by 4 people
Butterfly at Uncle Tan's Jungle Camp

Trip: Brunei to Bangkok
Entry: Uncle Tan's Jungle Camp
Date Taken: 23 Nov/03
Country: Malaysia
Taken By: Laura
Viewed: 1702 times
Rated: 8.0/10 by 2 people
North beach, Ko Lipe, Thailand

Trip: Brunei to Bangkok
Entry: Ko Lipe
Date Taken: 15 Dec/03
Country: Thailand
Taken By: Mark
Viewed: 2450 times
Rated: 9.6/10 by 8 people
Singapore riverfront

Trip: Brunei to Bangkok
Entry: Singapore
Date Taken: 01 Dec/03
Country: Singapore
Taken By: Mark
Viewed: 2316 times
Rated: 9.0/10 by 4 people
South Sea Island at sunset

Trip: B.A. to L.A.
Entry: Fiji
Date Taken: 19 May/03
Country: Fiji
Taken By: Mark
Viewed: 2676 times
Rated: 10.0/10 by 2 people